הוארד ריינגולד מסביר כמה מהאיכויות של Twitter, ומדגיש שכדי להשתמש בו בצורה יעילה צריכים להתנסות, ולבחון מה טוב ומה מתאים לצרכים של המשתמש.
If it isn't fun, it won't be useful. If you don't put out, you don't get back. But you have to spend some time tuning and feeding if Twitter is going to be more than an idle amusement to you and your followers (and idle amusement is a perfectly legit use of the medium). Returning to my use of the word literacy to describe both a set of skills for encoding and decoding as well as the community to which those skills provide entrance, I see that the use of Twitter to build personal learning networks, communities of practice, tuned information radars involves more than one literacy. The business about tuning and feeding, trust and reciprocity, and social capital is a form of network literacy that we discuss in my classes. Knowing that Twitter is a flow, not a queue like your email inbox, to be sampled judiciously is only one part of the attention literacy I started to blog about – knowing that it takes ten to twenty minutes to regain full focus when returning to a task that requires concentrated attention, learning to recognize what to pluck from the flow right now because it is valuable enough to pay attention to now, what to open in a new tab for later today, what to bookmark and get out of my way, and what to pass over with no more than a glance, are all other aspects of attention literacy that effective use of Twitter requires. My students who learn about the presentation of self and construction of identity in the psychology and sociology literature see the theories they are reading come to life on the Twitter stage every day – an essential foundation for participatory media literacy. Twitter Literacy (I refuse to make up a Twittery name for it) |
אני יכול להבין את הקסם של Twitter, אם כי אני עדיין שומר מרחק. אבל ההסברים של ריינגולד (שבמידה לא קטנה נכונים גם עבור השימוש בכל כלי חברתי מתוקשב) מאד משכנעים.