אוסקר ויילד אמר את זה מזמן

מי שרוצה להיות "משפיען" באינסטגרם צריך לעמול קשה בלהמציא את עצמו מחדש. הרי אחרי שההשפעה הופכת את החדש לנורמה צריכים למצוא משהו אחר (וחדש, כמובן) כדי להמשיך להשפיע. מתברר שהחדש התורן הוא להיות "טבעי". כבר לא מצטלמים בצורה שמבליטה את האידיאל, אלא באופן יום-יומי. כתבה ב-The Yorker מתארת את התהליך:
But influencers were given their name for a reason: their value lies in their ability to subtly shift the tastes, desires, and behaviors of the people watching them. People feel compelled to do what they’ve observed others doing, which is why the spike in self-revelation has happened all at once. In her essay, Gevinson writes that she was invited to Instagram headquarters, where she was given insights that were both heartening and frightening. “Aspirational photos did better a few years ago, but now users crave posts that seem to be behind-the-scenes, candid,” she wrote. (“Seem” being the operative word.) Research by marketing companies confirms this trend; the consensus is that, at least on Instagram, the art of influencing is now about “relatability.” But what made Gevinson’s essay so compelling was that she admits to having always tried to be relatable—and, in her analysis, that effort had only twisted her into deeper knots of deception. “Getting real,” it turned out, was not a corrective. It was another ruse, designed to appeal to an audience, and used to brush aside the mess.

The Rise of the “Getting Real” Post on Instagram

ב-"חשיבותה של רצינות" אוסקר ויילד סיכם את הנושא בצורה מדויקת: To be natural is such a very difficult pose to keep up..

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