ריצ'רד ווג'וודסקי כותב על הבעיה של העתקת עבודות בעידן הדיגיטאלי. הוס מסביר שהוא מראה לתלמידים כמה קל לבדוק מהיכן משהו מועתק.
I've actually caught more cases of plagiarism since going paperless. Every now and then, I take classtime with my students to run Google checks on anonymous blogged essays their peers have turned in. Inevitably, we find copied work. Rather than bust students and deal with it in the standard disciplinary way in the event we do discover fault, I use it as a means to show them how easy it is to discover plagiarism in the digital world. The kids learn quick and I've never had to do this more than once with any class to completely discourage digital copying. It's actually quite a bit more difficult to do that with just paper. What About Digital Plagiarism? |
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